1001 %1 is a free add-in for Outlook that will display a desktop alert when new mail arrives.\n\nYou can configure the behavior, appearance, and actions of the desktop alerts from the %1 Options dialog. To open the options dialog select '%1 Options...' from the Outlook Tools menu.
1002 Are you sure you want to permanently delete the current message?
1003 &%1 Options...
1004 This message has been moved, deleted, or is otherwise unavailable.
1005 Delete item
1006 Delete item, Mark as Read
1007 Delete item permanently
1008 Flag item for Follow Up
1009 Mark as Read
1010 &Open item
1011 &Reply
1012 Reply to A&ll
1013 For&ward
1014 Mar&k as Read
1015 Mar&k as Unread
1016 &Delete item
1017 Delete item, Mark as Read
1018 Desktop &Alert Options...
1019 <end>
1020 <no subject>
1021 New Mail
1022 From: %1\nTo: %2)
1023 Subject: %1
1024 New Meeting Request
1025 From: %1
1026 Subject: %1
1027 New Mail Preview
1028 From: %1\nTo: %2 User
1029 Subject: %1
1030 Thank you for trying %1. Click on this alert to visit the %1 website.
1031 Select Folder(s)
1032 &Check the &folders to display alerts for:
1033 Right click on the items in the folder list to select more options.
1034 &Check All Subfolders
1035 Uncheck All &Subfolders
1036 Check &All
1037 &Uncheck All
1038 You must select at least 1 folder for correct operation.
1039 %1 Options
1040 Manage Alerts
1041 Advanced
1042 About %1
1043 &When new mail arrives
1044 Display a &desktop alert
1045 Desktop alerts are now enabled.
1046 Check this box to enable desktop alerts for incoming mail.
1047 Desktop Alert &Options...
1048 Display an &icon in the notification area
1049 Notification area alerts are now enabled.
1050 Check this box to enable notification area alerts for incoming mail.
1051 &Notification Area Alert Options...
1052 Enable &tracing (troubleshooting)
1053 &Client-side rule compatibility mode
1054 Check this box only if you use client-side rules to move messages to specific folders. When enabled %1 will delay its alert processing, for the time delay below, to give any client-side rules a chance to complete.
1055 Delay alert processing for
1056 millisecond(s).
1057 version %1
1058 Copyright %1. All Rights Reserved.
1059 Portions Copyright %1. All Rights Reserved.
1060 (website)
1061 Visit the %1 website
1062 &Credits
1063 Donate to support %1
1064 Thank you for supporting %1.
1065 Desktop Alert Options
1066 Behavior
1067 Appearance
1068 Actions
1069 &Preview
1070 Automatically &dismiss alerts after
1071 second(s).
1072 Alerts will remain visible for 1 second before they are automatically dismissed.
1073 Alerts will remain visible for %1 seconds before they are automatically dismissed.
1074 Alerts will not be automatically dismissed.
1075 Limit the &number of simultaneous alerts to
1076 alert(s).
1077 Use a single alert for all new mail items.
1078 Use no more than %1 alerts for all new mail items.
1079 Use a separate alert for each new mail item.
1080 Folder Options
1081 Displa&y alerts for the following folders only
1082 Alerts will only be displayed for the folders specified above. Click 'Pick Folders...' to select which folders to include.
1083 Alerts will be displayed for all new mail items received.
1084 Pick &Folders...
1085 &Automatically size alerts to the contents of the message
1086 Action assigned to the &alert:
1087 Action assigned to &first button:
1088 Close alert after the action above is completed
1089 Action assigned to &second button:
1090 Close alert after the action above is completed
1091 Display Outlook
1092 Display Outlook and open the item's folder
1093 Open the item
1094 Mark the item as read
1095 Delete the item
1096 Delete the item and mark it read
1097 Delete the item permanently
1098 Flag the item for follow up
1099 Mark the item as read
1100 An unexpected error occurred. %1 cannot be loaded.
1101 More Options
1102 Close
1103 %1 Credits
1104 Reclaiming your productivity, one e-mail at a time
1105 If you found %1 useful please show your support by donating today!
1106 Project / Development Lead
1107 Development
1108 Localization
1109 Graphic Design
1110 Support
1111 Web Design
1112 Special Thanks To
1113 ...and to all our users for their support
1114 F&onts and Colors
1115 &Font:
1116 Siz&e:
1117 Alert &items:
1118 &Background colors:
1119 No&rmal:
1120 Color &1:
1121 Color &2:
1122 &Text colors:
1123 &Normal:
1124 &Hover:
1125 &Click:
1126 Alert background
1127 Alert border
1128 Alert caption
1129 Sender name
1130 Subject
1131 Message text
1132 Action button 1
1133 Action button 2
1134 Close button
1135 More options button
1136 Reset To &Defaults
1137 &Advanced Appearance Options...
1138 Advanced Appearance
1139 Si&zing
1140 How big should the alert window be?
1141 &Custom size:
1142 X
1143 &Transparency
1144 How transparent should the alert window be?
1145 Less
1146 More
1147 %1% transparent
1148 Show &shadows under alerts
1149 &Limit the body of the message to
1150 characters
1151 &Help
1152 %1 &Online
1153 Chec&k for Updates
1154 Report a &Problem...
1155 &About %1...
1156 %1 Update
1157 There is a new version of %1 available!\n\nYour version: %2 (%3)\nLatest version: %4 (%5) released on %6\n\nWould you like to download the latest version of %1 now?
1158 You are running the most recent version of %1.\nNo update is available at this time.
1159 A problem was encountered while trying to find an available %1 update (either the update server did not respond or the update service was unavailable).\n\nPlease try again later or visit the %1 website for any available updates.
1160 &Fade alerts in and out of view
1161 Close alert after the action above is completed
1162 %1 (%2)
1163 %1 (%2, %3)
1164 %1 (%2)
1165 Alert caption &display format:
1166 <folder name>
1167 <mailbox name>
1168 <full folder path>
1169 Thank you for trying %1.\nIf you find %1 useful please show your support by donating today!